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int:net Policy Session at European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW)

We are thrilled to share highlights from our recent participation in the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), the premier annual event in Europe dedicated to promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency. This significant gathering, organized by CINEA - the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, and the Directorate-General for Energy under the European Commission, serves as an influential platform for fostering collaboration and innovation in the energy sector.

Our Policy Session: Interoperability and Sovereignty in the European Energy Data Space
At EUSEW 2024, int:net had the honor of hosting a policy session titled “Interoperability and Sovereignty: Sharing a European Energy Data Space”. This session was designed to explore the intricate dynamics of creating a unified European energy data infrastructure, a critical step toward enhancing efficiency and fostering innovation in the energy market.

Collaborations and Contributions
Our session brought together key stakeholders and experts from various sectors to discuss the future of energy data management. We collaborated with the Energy Data Space Cluster Projects — including Enershare, Omega-X, Eddie, Synergies, and Data Cellar. These projects are at the forefront of pioneering efforts to integrate and optimize energy data across Europe. Additionally, we were joined by esteemed representatives from the European Commission, whose insights on regulatory and policy frameworks were invaluable to our discussions.

Key Use Cases Discussed
The session focused on several pivotal use cases that highlight the diverse applications and benefits of a unified energy data space around TSO-DSO interactions, residential energy management, e-mobility and data, local energy communities and renewables and O&M optimization and grid integration.

Future of a Common European Energy Data Space
A key highlight of the session was a dynamic panel discussion on the future structure of a Common European Energy Data Space. The debate centered on whether this data space should be a single unified entity or consist of several interconnected spaces. This dialogue is critical as it will shape the strategies and policies for energy data management across Europe.

Acknowledging Our Speakers
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our distinguished speakers, whose expertise and perspectives greatly enriched the session.
Their contributions sparked insightful discussions and provided valuable guidance on navigating the complexities of energy data interoperability and sovereignty.

Watch the Session
For those who missed the live event, you can catch the full session here.

Looking Ahead
As we reflect on the success of our policy session at EUSEW 2024, we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. The path toward a sustainable and interconnected energy future is filled with challenges, but it is also ripe with opportunities for innovation and collaboration.
At int:net, we remain committed to driving these efforts forward. We invite all stakeholders to join us in advancing the vision of a seamless, efficient, and resilient European energy system.