Workshop DG CONNECT – DG ENER: Opportunities and Challenges of GenAI for Energy Grids
20 Sep 2024
Online & Brussels, Belgium
Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as one of today’s most important technologies. Software applications and in particular AI tools combined with decentralised intelligence edge solutions have the potential not only to support scaling of energy applications quickly and accelerate efficiency and productivity but also to have a transformative impact. The workshop is to address the transformative potential of AI/GenAI for the energy sector and will discuss opportunities and challenges ahead in preparation of R&I topics under WP2025.
Please register for the event with this link.
Decarbonisation, electrification and decentralisation of the energy system require digitalisation to make it work. The Green Deal and the Digital Agenda need to go hand-in-hand as a twin transition.
Smart and digitalised energy systems are instrumental for decarbonisation, and bring multiple benefits including: (i) smooth integration of increasing shares of renewables; (ii) system integration across multiple energy carriers and electrification of end-uses (such as heating and mobility); (iii) enhancing the overall system resilience and its ability to effectively manage decentralised resources; and (iv) empowering consumers to become prosumers or active players that monetise their flexibility and reduce their energy bills.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as one of today’s most important technologies. Software applications and in particular AI tools combined with decentralised intelligence edge solutions have the potential not only to support scaling of energy applications quickly and accelerate efficiency and productivity but also to have a transformative impact.
The event is organised jointly by DG ENERGY and DG CONNECT, supported by the CSA int:net. The objective of the workshop is to address the transformative potential of AI/GenAI for the energy sector and will discuss opportunities and challenges related to
- GenAI technologies and tools,
- potential uses of large-language models / GenAI in energy and how those relate to the existing mature solutions based on ML and deep learning;
- Role of data spaces and data management frameworks, For AI to be an effective ally towards efficient, decarbonised and resilient power systems, energy system operators will also need to develop mechanisms for data sharing and governance
- system integration and grid edge orchestration, and
- regulatory compliance, in order to harness the full benefits of this powerful technology in the energy sector.