The emerging Common European Energy Data Space - state of play and next steps
The European Data Strategy recognises the importance of data in the modern economy, including in the energy sector, where new players bring valuable data assets. Data is at the center of the power grid. It is exchanged between a large quantity of different software systems which enables utilities to properly plan, operate, and maintain their grid with a digitalised model of the physical world.
The Data Strategy and the EU Action plan on digitalising the energy system announced the creation of a Common European data space for Energy (CEEDS). The Commission will support the deployment of the energy data space through the DIGITAL Work Programme 2023-2024, by considering the results of six already ongoing energy data space projects supported via Horizon Europe - five Innovation Action projects (DATA CELLAR; EDDIE; Enershare; Omega-X; SYNERGIES) and one Coordination and Support Action (Int:net). These initiatives are focused on developing, validating, and demonstrating solutions for a Common European Energy Data Space that enables access to and use of energy-related data. Striking the right balance between general rules and sector-specific rules is crucial for successful implementation.
This data space will broaden access to data needed to develop innovative energy services that will help to balance and optimise the electricity grids and improve the energy efficiency of the built environment. It will play a key role in increasing the integration of intermittent renewable energy sources and thus advancing towards the goals set by the ‘Fit for 55’ package and the RePowerEU plan. The energy data space will be closely linked to other sector-specific data spaces (e.g. mobility and smart communities) and will thus enable actors from various sectors such as building automation and electro-mobility to actively participate in the energy market, deliver energy services, promote sector integration (the linking of various energy carriers - electricity, heat, cold, gas, solid and liquid fuels - with each other) and facilitate electrification of the end-uses such as heating/cooling and transport. This will allow them to contribute to the efficient use of energy, boost the use of renewables, and support the integration, collaboration and information exchange between different sectors as well as create new business opportunities.
This workshop will explore the policy background of the work on the Common European Energy Data Space, the preparatory work done so far within Horizon Europe with special focus on the blueprint for the energy data space developed by the preparatory actions and the upcoming actions such as the recently published deployment action under the DIGITAL Europe programme. The target audience is stakeholders from the energy, digital and related sectors involved in the data management, who have interest to contribute to the successful deployment of the Common Energy Data Spaces. You will be able to learn the details of the existing and upcoming initiatives as well as to meet like-minded stakeholders who you could join forces for a successful deployment of the CEEDS.
- Welcome and adoption of the agenda (EU Commission/ int:net)
- Policy background, state of play, next steps (Svetoslav Mihaylov, DG CNECT & Stavros Stamatoukos, DG ENER)
- Short overview on energy data spaces cluster (Antonello Monti, int:net)
- Outline of the DSSC project (Sonia Jimenez, DSSC)
- Q&A on the call and cluster activities
- Interactive activity with participants: ideas, challenges and collaboration opportunities
- Conclusion
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement no 101070086.