Cross-sector data rooms and information technology networking as the key to the All Electric Society.
Over two exciting days, the communities of the industry, energy and building sectors will meet for the first time at the DKE Future Workshop in Berlin. Under the heading Sector Coupling - Applications and Data Exchange, ideas and framework conditions for cross-sector data spaces and information technology networking as the key to the All Electric Society will be presented and discussed.
New use cases, increasing electrification and networking with other forms of energy such as heat or hydrogen through the Power-to-X concepts require an exchange of information between the various sectors. Existing solutions and new concepts for digitalization and automation that are currently being developed in the sectors will be presented under the premise of learning from each other, identifying commonalities and jointly discussing sensible solutions for the necessary sector coupling.
The int:net project will participate in the slot on energy. Please find more information as well as the program and registration
here (in German only).